Legal Assistance

The advocates from these legal services may offer free legal advice to people with low income who have legal problems. For some problems, they may send you to another legal aid program or a volunteer attorney. These attorneys may not help you with a criminal case, if you are trying to sue someone, or if you have an immigration problem. They cannot help with problems in other states. Contact the legal aid office closest to you to see if you are eligible for legal services.

The United States established diplomatic relations with Uruguay in 1867. Uruguay declared its ind...
We are a Law Firm specialized in advice related to the protection of Intellectual Property. I mea...
At Fernández Secco we have found a balance between tradition and avant-garde. More than 35 years ...
Jiménez de Aréchaga, Viana & Brause is the result of the merger between Jiménez de Aréchaga &...
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