Homeless Shelters Women's Shelters Youth Shelters Childcare Meals Health Mental Health Physical Health Substance Abuse Housing
44(0)1844 31870844(0)1844 318708
The Global Fund for Forgotten People raises money for a range of Order of Malta projects which re...
2 408 42982 408 4298
Documento aprobado por la Asamblea Nacional de FUCVAM, reunida en la ciudad de Paysandú durante l...
598 2403 0308598 2403 0308
UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their r...
598 2400.23.53598 2400.23.53
Somos una organización internacional no gubernamental que trabaja en Uruguay desde 1960 con el ob...
Diócesis La Diócesis Anglicana de Uruguay es una rama dentro de la Iglesia de Jesucristo, Una, Sa...
598 2711 2121598 2711 2121
El desarrollo empresarial ha estado basado en valores y principios que orientan nuestro accionar ...
598 800 1080598 800 1080
Cédula de Identidad Cédula de Identidad La Cédula de Identidad es un documento Nacional que ident...
The United States established diplomatic relations with Uruguay in 1867. Uruguay declared its ind...
1 (877) 512 11951 (877) 512 1195
Need an Interpreter in Montevideo, Uruguay? Serving Clients In Montevideo, Uruguay....
Mission Develop actions and programs that actively contribute to personal autonomy and social pro...
598 2409 6923598 2409 6923
Guidance of the Holy Spirit and unwavering faith were decisive It all started on July 9, 1977, wh...
We are a Law Firm specialized in advice related to the protection of Intellectual Property. I mea...
(+598) 2916 1913(+598) 2916 1913
At Fernández Secco we have found a balance between tradition and avant-garde. More than 35 years ...
(598) 2916 1460(598) 2916 1460
Jiménez de Aréchaga, Viana & Brause is the result of the merger between Jiménez de Aréchaga &...
The Institute of Global Homelessness (IGH) supports an emerging global movement to end street hom...